
My name is Marlene Malek. I offer Yoga, Kalaripayattu and Nuad in Vienna and Lower Austria.


Asanas​ – Physical Posture

Asanas are the physical postures and exercises commonly known as Yoga in the Western world. I practice and teach traditional, calm and static Hatha Yoga (Kaivalyadhama Institute resp. Himalayan Tradition of Yoga), recommended for beginners of any age or fitness level, as well as more modern styles like flowing and dynamic Ashtanga (Vinyasa) Yoga. This way I’m able to perfectly adapt the exercises to the group I’m working with - from simple physical postures for new practitioners to demanding exercises for advanced students.

Kriyas​ – Cleansing Techniques

Kriyas are less known yogic cleansing techniques, with which different areas of the physical body such as the lungs, stomach and intestines. These exercises vary from simple Kriyas that can be applied in everyday life to more extensive and severe Kriyas recommended only twice a year. Those Kriyas are taught by the Kaivalyadhama Institute or the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga.

Pranayama​ – Breathing Techniques

Once the physical body and the mind are cleansed and calmed by Asanas and Kriyas practitioners can start with special breathing techniques according to the old scriptures. Besides the practice of breath awareness, there are eight different Pranayama techniques (see Hatha Pradipika), which all aim at different goals such as activation, relaxation, warming up, cooling down and balance. Pranayama is recommended for those who want to find balance in their energy levels through the path of breath.

Meditation Techniques

The ultimate goal of all Yoga practices is to one day be able to sit still and content in meditation, the highest form of which is called “enlightenment” (sanskrit Samadhi) in Yoga-Philosophy. Through Asanas and Kriyas the body becomes quiet, through Pranayama the breath and in meditation the mind and its thoughts become still. “Yoga is the cessation of modifications of the mind... at that time the seer rests in her/his own state” (see Yoga Sutras).


Kalarippayat or Kalari Payattu is a South Indian healing and martial art (Kerala and Tamil Nadu). A centuries old tradition, it was practiced by the warrior caste, Kshatriyas, in each village (at the Kalari). Ayurveda and Yoga exerted great influence on this practice. Although Kalarippayat has survived the British colony, it is not practiced that often anymore.

The practice consists of various leg exercises and animal postures that are practiced as a warm up, followed by more complex sequences made up of smooth and flowing movements. In the tradition more advanced students will learn the fightinh component of Kalarippayat, using weapons provided by the teacher, or guru.

It is possible to book single or group sessions as well as combinations with Yoga and/or Nuad, please just contact me!


Nuad means “healing touch” and is often referred to as (Thai-)Yoga-Bodywork, as well as passive Yoga. It is a bodywork system with Buddhist background that also has its origins in India, in Ayurveda and Yoga. Nuad aims to soften and relax the body, so that tensions disappear and energy can flow freely again. In that way it has a very restaurative character.

A Nuad treatment takes approximately two hours, is performed in a one on one setting, lying clothed on the floor. Nuad is the ideal supplement to Yoga and Kalarippayat. Before the first session there will be a short talk.

My knowledge of Nuad will flow into my Yoga or Kalaripayattu lessons, as well as vice versa.


currently baby break! (april 2023)

Private classes

60 euros per unit (negotiable)
Classes can take place in German or English.

Apart from private classes it is also possible to arrange something completely different, designed for your individual needs like regular group classes, corporate yoga, courses for beginners, Kriya, Pranayama or Meditation workshops etc.

A trail lesson is free of charge and can be arranged at any time!

Just get in touch at!


I am Marlene, born in 1987, a passionate social pedagogue. For the last 15 years I have been working as a care worker as well as a counsellor in the social service sector, with children and young adults, refugees, in homeless shelters and in women specific social institutions. I have also collected life experience abroad. I have lived, worked, and studied in different parts of the world, from Nicaragua to Russia to India.

And I’m always returning to India. For the last 10 years I’ve been engaging with the various facets of yoga and therefore regularly stay in India to learn new things and deepen my knowledge.

My experience has shown me: Yoga transforms indeed, but this happens slowly and subtly, without overexertion or fear. This is because Ahimsa, non-violence, is the highest principle in Yoga.

My personal Yoga journey has led me from a weekly physical (Asana) guided practice in order to balance my challenging working life to more and more subtle practices like Kriya and Pranayama (cleansing and breathing techniques) to my current daily essential meditation practice.

Since 2019 my teaching has been increasing. It is very important for me to hand over my experiences according to tradition and, at the same time, to show my own personal style. This makes my classes very authentic, regardless if I’m teaching classical physical Hatha-Yoga or a guided meditation class.

In contrast to modern Yoga-studios I want to emphasize the Yoga-Philosophy. I love to explain why we are doing certain exercises and practices, their context and where the journey should lead us.

Furthermore it’s very important to me to make Yoga accessible for everybody. Everybody can join my classes, regardless of age, physical constitution or financial background.

I look forward to meeting you!

Certified ​Yoga​-teacher (Yoga Alliance RYT 200)

  • Ashtanga (Vinyasa) Yoga
  • Kaivalyadham: Traditional Hatha-Yoga
  • Himalayan Tradition of Yoga: Yoga-Meditation

Kalari Payattu (South Indian healing and martial art)

(Flow)Nuad & Yoga body work
